

发表于 2023-4-28 17:59:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


据CNN、《卫报》等多家外媒报道,当地时间4月26日,美国79岁女作家E·让·卡罗尔(E. Jean Carroll)现身美国纽约曼哈顿联邦法院,就1996年特朗普性侵她一事出庭作证。特朗普并未出庭应讯。







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AMNA NAWAZ: A civil trial is under way over a magazine columnist's allegation  that former President Donald Trump raped her more than two decades ago. 

Political correspondent Lisa Desjardins takes a look at the lawsuit and the  assault allegations against the former president. 

And a warning: This story contains details of those sexual violence allegations. 

LISA DESJARDINS: It is the latest legal battle involving former President Trump. E. Jean Carroll,  a magazine advice columnist, has accused Trump of raping her in the mid-'90s. 

In a civil lawsuit filed in New York, Carroll is seeking unspecified damages  for the alleged assault. She also accuses Trump of defaming her character. The trial  is expected to last for one or two weeks. Carroll says the assault took  place in a dressing room inside Bergdorf Goodman, a New York department store. 

Here is how she described it to CNN in 2019. 

E. JEAN CARROLL, Trump Accuser: He pulled down my tights. 

And it was a fight. It was a -- I want women to know that I did not stand there. I did not  freeze. I was not paralyzed, which is a reaction that I could have had, because it's so shocking. 

No, I fought. And it was over very quickly. It was against my will, 100 percent. 

LISA DESJARDINS: Carroll revealed the story 20 years after she says it happened in her 2019  memoir. She can go to court now because New York lawmakers passed a new state law allowing victims  of abuse to file civil lawsuits against attackers, even if the statute of limitations has run out. 

The former president has repeatedly denied that he raped Carroll, and accused her of  lying. In an interview with The Hill, he said Carroll was -- quote -- "not my type."  He also previously claimed that he had never met Carroll, but her attorneys have provided the court  of a picture of them talking at an event in the '80s. Trump is not expected to testify in this  trial, but two other women who have accused Trump of assault have been cleared to do so. 

Jessica Leeds alleged Trump groped her on the flight in 1979. And "People" magazine  writer Natasha Stoynoff has accused him of groping her in 2005 at Mar-a-Lago while she  was there to interview him. More than two dozen women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct. 

He has charged that the stories are fabricated and politically motivated. Carroll's defamation  accusation is part of a separate suit filed in D.C. That has been indefinitely delayed. 

Today, in Manhattan, a jury was selected, and both sides presented opening arguments in this case. 

Washington Post reporter Shayna Jacobs covers two of New York's  federal court districts and was in the courtroom today. And she joins us now. 

Shayna, take us into the courtroom. What did each  side seem to indicate about their approach to this case?  SHAYNA JACOBS, The Washington Post: Each side presented a vastly different version of events. 

On Carroll's side, her attorney said that Carroll was violently assaulted  in the dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman in the mid-1990s and that she fled from  the store, told -- immediately told two close friends and kept it secret for decades because  she was terrified that Trump could ruin her life and ruin her career. 

At the time, he was a very, very prominent real estate professional. And, obviously,  his profile only rose since then. Trump's attorney says this entire thing was made up,  and that Carroll and her two friends actually colluded to come up with a story because of  a political vendetta against him once he -- once he was elected. 

LISA DESJARDINS: The judge in his case is known for being no-nonsense,  trying to move things along. 

Help us understand the judge and the jury here, including how the judge is keeping the  jury safe. And how in the world do you pick a jury that is neutral about Donald Trump?  SHAYNA JACOBS: So, not even the judge knows their  identities. They are known only by their assigned juror number. 

There was not much biographical information made public during the voir dire process. And  they will also be picked up off-site by courthouse staff and driven to the courthouse, so that they  don't even have any chance of interacting with anyone outside the building or in the hallway. 

They're really very, very protected from any possible interaction with someone they're not  supposed to see or speak to. And, again, not even the judge has their identities in front  of him. So it's basically as private as it -- private a process as it could possibly be. 

LISA DESJARDINS: And on the question of neutrality, I saw that jurors were  asked if they have been to rallies, those kinds of things. Is that how they did that?  SHAYNA JACOBS: Yes, I mean, it was posed to the entire room of potential jurors. And instead  of going one by one and asking that, anybody who had been to a rally, anybody with an affiliation,  really with sort of like more extreme group on the spectrum, both left and right -- some  of the names that were thrown out were Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, QAnon, Antifa. 

So they were asked, are you a member of or are you affiliated with any of these groups? And  I believe nobody raised their hand to that question. If they had raised their hand,  I imagine they'd have been dismissed. 

LISA DESJARDINS: What does Ms. Carroll need to show here in this  civil trial to be successful in her lawsuit? What does she need to prove?  SHAYNA JACOBS: E. Jean Carroll, yes, she has to prove by a preponderance of the evidence,  which is really essentially means more likely than not, that she was -- that she suffered harm as a  result of this, emotional harm, and that her career in her life, livelihood was damaged,  that she suffered reputational damage as a result of what Donald Trump said,  really, though, specifically, just what he said last year in a social media post,  which mirrored comments he made to reporters in 2019 when this first came out. 

So it's sort of like a duplicate set of defamation charges. There's a separate lawsuit still pending  in an appellate court for the older defamation claims from 2019. But she is -- this  trial does contain defamation and battery allegations related to the alleged assault. 

LISA DESJARDINS: The former president has given some testimony and deposition. He's not expected,  I don't think, to be a live witness yet,  but do we know if he will be in the courtroom? Or what does that look like?  SHAYNA JACOBS: His attorney has not -- last I saw -- I did leave  a little bit before the proceeding ended. 

But last I saw and heard, his attorney, Joe Tacopina, has not fully committed either way. He  did tell the jury that he expected they would hear his videotaped deposition from last year. So, all  indications are that he's not going to testify. I -- that still leaves open the possibility  that he might appear in the courtroom just to physically be there at one point or another. 

But we have not heard any definitive thing that would lead us to believe  he will -- he will be there in the next few days or next week. 

LISA DESJARDINS: Shayna Jacobs with The Washington Post, thanks for joining us,  especially when you're on deadline. 



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In a New York courtroom today, a grave allegation against Donald Trump was said aloud and under oath, e.g., in Cairo, taking the stand in her civil lawsuit.

Against the former president and accusing him of rape.

CNN's Paula Reid is just outside the courthouse for us.

Paula, tell us more about Carroll's testimony today in the allegations that Trump has repeatedly denied Well, Wolf, Carroll has waited decades for this moment today.

She spoke for the first time in a courtroom under oath, at times speaking through tears as she recounted an alleged sexual assault by Donald Trump.

Writer Jean Carroll taking the stand in the second day of her civil battery and defamation case against former President Donald Trump.

Are you looking forward to testifying today? The first question her attorney asked why she finally took her case to court.

I'm here because Donald Trump raped me.

And when I wrote about it, he said it didn't happen.

He lied and shattered my reputation.

And I'm here to try to get my life back.

Carroll alleges Trump raped her in a department store in the 1990s.

It was a fight.

It was this.

I want women to know that I did not stand there.

I did not freeze.

I was not paralyzed.

It was over very quickly.

It was against my will.

100%, and I ran away.

She spent hours Wednesday testifying on the alleged assault, which Trump denies.

She told the jury she didn't picture anything about what was about to happen when the pair were shopping in the New York Bergdorf Goodman.

Through tears, she said the open dressing room door they entered.

Plagued me for years because I just walked into it, walked in, she told the jury.

Trump shoved her against the wall and then the assault began.

I always think of why I walked in there to get myself in that situation.

But I'm proud to say I did get out I got my knee up and pushed him back.

She's now suing Trump for unspecified monetary damages and to get him to retract this October 20, 22 social media post reading in part.

I don't know this woman.

This woman is not my type.

But in 2019 Trump acknowledged this photo from the 1980s showing the two chatting.

I have absolutely no idea who she is.

There's some picture where we're shaking hands it looks like at some kind of it Trump who isn't expected to appear at the trial unless called to testify posted Wednesday calling the case a quote made up scam.

The judge in this case reacting strongly to Trump's public statement, telling his lawyer that it opens up the client to a, quote, potential liability Tomorrow, Carol will face more questions from her own attorneys.

And then she will face cross-examination by Trump's lawyers who have alleged that she completely made up this story for political purposes.

And, Wolf, even the most experienced defense attorneys know that cross-examining someone who alleges they have been sexually assaulted is a delicate task.

Paula Reed in New York for us covering this trial.

Thank you very, very much.

Let's get some analysis right now from CNN legal analyst Joey Jackson.

Joey. Thanks for joining us.

You just heard Jean Carroll's harrowing testimony today under oath.

Did she achieve what she needed to do today in front of the jurors? Yeah, Wolf, good evening.

By all accounts, at least that's happened till now. Right.

And let's remember, there's not cameras in the courtroom.

So we're relying upon what's being reported and noting with respect to what she said.

I think there are three critical things that needed to be done, which apparently she's doing.

Number one is to tell your story in compelling detail as we look at her there.

Number two is to indicate to that jury how it impaired, affected or influenced your life.

And number three, is really to buttress it by establishing that you have no ulterior motive for testifying other than you want your day after 30 years to tell your story.

And so by all accounts, she's done that.

The critical inquiry, Wolf, will obviously be under cross-examination.

Right. She's under direct.

That's the ability of your lawyers to elicit responses from you get out the information from you, tell the jury what happened to you.

Under cross-examination, she'll be attacked, of course, by the defense team who says this didn't happen.

It's a stark contrast as clearly to former President Trump.

It's unlikely, we're told, he will actually testify, but he's made a series of very disparaging comments about this case.

As recently as this morning.

Could that actually, though, undermine his own case? I think it can undermine it.

And here's why.

Certainly jurors are instructed, Wolf, that you're not to pay attention to any of that.

Nothing in the media.

Nothing in newspapers.

Nothing on Twitter or anything else.

Having said that, the judge was none too pleased with regard to his tweeting and his statements and really accused him of trying to influence the jury.

And so in the event the judge has to take this a step further, not only in reminding his lawyer to tell your client to stop but to give an instruction to the jury that would be damaging at the end of the day, obviously, Wolf, the case will be won or lost by the testimony elicited in that courtroom.

Joey Jackson helping us appreciate what's going on.

Thank you very, very much.


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