

发表于 2023-9-25 15:39:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


1. 单词解释:

  • Sheet 是指用于覆盖床铺的纺织物,通常包括床单、被单和枕套。床单用于覆盖床垫,以提供舒适和卫生的睡眠环境。

2. 单词用法:

  • "Please make sure to change the sheets in every guest room."(请务必更换每个客房的床单。)

  • "I'd like an extra sheet for the bed; it's quite cold tonight."(我想要一张额外的床单,今晚相当冷。)

3. 应用场景:

  • 在酒店客房、宾馆和民宿等住宿场所,sheets 被广泛用于保持床铺的干净和舒适。

4. 同义词或相近词:

    • Bed Linens(床上用品):这个词汇可以用来描述床单、被单和枕套等床上用品。

    • Bedding(寝具):通常指包括床单在内的床上用品。

5. 短语:

    • Fitted Sheet(床单):一种床单,通常有四个角收紧,以更好地包裹床垫。

    • Flat Sheet(床单):一种平铺在被单之上的床单,通常用于盖在人体上。

6. 句子示例:

  1. 1."Please ensure that the sheets are clean and fresh for our arriving guests."

  2. 2."If you need an additional sheet or blanket, please don't hesitate to ask."

  3. 3."The hotel provides high-quality sheets made of Egyptian cotton for a luxurious sleep experience."

  4. 4."Housekeeping will change the sheets and make the bed every day during your stay."

  5. 5."The fitted sheet is elasticized to fit snugly around the mattress."

  6. 6."You can use the flat sheet to cover yourself on warmer nights."

  7. 7."The hotel takes pride in the cleanliness and freshness of its bedding and sheets."

  8. 8."Each guest room is equipped with a spare set of sheets in the closet."

  9. 9."I spilled some coffee on the sheet, and I need it replaced."

  10. 10."Please fold the used sheets neatly and place them in the laundry bin."

7. 学习后测试练习:

  1. 1.床单通常包括哪些部分?

    • A) Pillow and blanket

    • B) Bed sheet, flat sheet, and fitted sheet

    • C) Plate and fork

  2. 2.床单的作用是什么?

    • A) To serve food

    • B) To provide lighting

    • C) To cover the mattress and provide comfort

  3. 3.请用英语描述"Fitted Sheet"的含义。

    • A) A sheet with elastic corners to fit tightly on a mattress

    • B) A flat sheet for covering yourself

    • C) A sheet used as a blanket

  4. 4.为什么酒店提供高质量的床单?

    • A) To use them as tablecloths

    • B) To offer a luxurious sleep experience

    • C) To decorate the walls

  5. 5.床单的床角部分是弹性的,这是为了什么?

    • A) To prevent them from being used

    • B) To fit snugly around the mattress

    • C) To make them easy to fold


  1. B) Bed sheet, flat sheet, and fitted sheet

  2. C) To cover the mattress and provide comfort

  3. A) A sheet with elastic corners to fit tightly on a mattress

  4. B) To offer a luxurious sleep experience

  5. B) To fit snugly around the mattress





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