

发表于 2022-11-25 07:17:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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欧洲著名室内和身体香氛护理品牌Rituals与拉格代尔Lagardére旅游零售合作,在海南三亚海旅免税城 (HTDF) 开设了该品牌在中国的第一家快闪店,进一步推动了该品牌的全球扩张进程。



Rituals全球旅游零售总监Melvin Broekaart表示,"Rituals的目标是激发全球对健康和福祉的重视,并在全球范围内传播;这就是为什么我们一直致力于根植于善良和爱、激情和快乐的实践。这是为了给消费者创造更有意义的时刻,改善他们的生活。


拉加代尔旅游零售公司亚洲区采购副总裁Terry Chua补充道:"Rituals快闪店在三亚海旅免税城打造了一个真正的避风港,让旅行者远离喧嚣,为他们提供一个宁静的地方,让他们能够真正参与到品牌中来,沉浸在疗愈的旅程。这种伙伴关系对于为我们的旅行消费者提供无与伦比的客户体验是不可或缺的。”


自古以来,人们都喜欢用怡人的香味来装点自己的家,营造欢乐的居家氛围,达到身心的平衡。每款Rituals香水的配方都以 "治愈身体、心灵和精神 "为出发点,从古代生活哲学和材料中汲取灵感,为家居增添特别的魅力和格调。





目前, Rituals品牌在海南以下离岛免税店有售:


*  海控全球精品免税城(海口日月广场)

*  深免海口观澜湖免税城 (观澜湖)







Rituals Unveils  First POP-UP Store In China With Lagardere Travel Retail 

Rituals Cosmetics has escalated the global expansion of the wellbeing category with the opening of the brand's first pop-up store at China at Hainan Tourism Duty Free Shopping Complex (HTDF) with Lagardére Travel Retail.

Launched in October 2022, Rituals' first pop-up store in China is inspired by the most healing abode, one that travellers will always return to - home. With the brand's vision of elevating everyday life into meaningful moments, Rituals believes that 'home' provides an essential reprieve from physical and mental exhaustion; a haven from the distractions of the outside world. Located in the Atrium on the first floor of HTDF, the Rituals pop-up store aims to provide travellers to Sanya with a welcoming space to nourish the body, mind and soul through healing aromas and the discovery of Rituals' range of home products.

"Rituals' goal is to inspire an emphasis on health and wellbeing that spreads around the globe; this is why we have always been committed to practices rooted in kindness and love, passion and joy. It is about creating more meaningful moments for consumers and improving their lives. Our message is clearly resonating with consumers around the world, and we are proud to continue our wellbeing expansion mission with our partners at Lagardère Travel Retail by bringing sustainable and luxury wellbeing to Chinese consumers," said Melvin Broekaart, Rituals Global Travel Retail Director.

"The Rituals pop-up shop has truly created a sanctuary here at HTDF, whisking travellers away from the hustle and bustle and creating a place of tranquility where they can really engage with the brand and immerse themselves on a healing journey. This partnership is integral to providing our travelling consumers with unrivalled customer experiences," added Terry Chua, Vice-President Merchandising at Lagardére Travel Retail Asia.

Rituals believes that beautiful scents can sublimate the everyday abode into a healing realm, emphasized at the Sanya pop-up store through a focus on the Private Collection, which uses century-old aromatic ingredients to bring an immersive multi-healing experience. Since ancient times, people have loved to enrich their homes with pleasant fragrances, create a happy atmosphere at home, and achieve physical and mental balance. Each Rituals fragrance is formulated with "healing body, mind and spirit" as the starting point, drawing inspiration from ancient life philosophies and materials to add special charm and style to the home.

The Private Collection includes three notes, Fresh, Rich and Floral, all using high-quality ingredients to create a high-style atmosphere for the home. A variety of unique aromas and high-end luxury bottles can be combined with any home style, filling the room with a pleasant fragrance. Different styles of healing fragrances can meet people's diverse fragrance needs, whether it is the fresh atmosphere brought by the fragrance of Qin Yu goji berry, the sweet, elegant floral breath emitted by the sweet jasmine fragrance, or the peaceful and warm rich rhythm of wild figs, all of which can sublimate the home into a warm retreat, create a special mood and atmosphere, and evoke good memories.

With the healing breeze of Sanya Island, travelling consumers are invited to join Rituals to gently welcome the sanctuary ofhome life and protect the happiness of every mon ment of daily life. The pop-up will conclude at the end of November 2022.

Currently, Rituals is available in the following offshore duty-free shops in Hainan:

* Hainan Tourism Duty Free Shopping Complex  (Sanya)

* Global Premiere Duty Free (GDF) Plaza (Haikou Mova )

* Time's Duty Free Haikou  (Mission Hills)

Rituals will be launched in CDF Haikou International Duty Free City, Wangfujing Wanning Duty Free City, CNSC Sanya International Duty Free Park in early 2023, and the online platforms of all duty-free shops will also be launched simultaneously.

"DFE retail service team, as the operator agency of Rituals brand in China's duty-free market, is honored to share with you the unique physical and spiritual experience that Rituals brings to Hainan tourists." DFE founder, Jason Cao said. 

发现品牌 | Godet:发源于拉罗谢尔的法国干邑品牌 匠心酿造诠释时光的艺术

中免集团中标广西东兴口岸(二桥综合服务区)出境免税店经营权 招标面积256平米,将成立合资公司经营


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报告| 预计2022年全球奢侈品市场规模达1.4万亿欧元 同比大涨21%,95%的奢侈品品牌都呈现出明显的增长趋势


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总编:Jason Cao

编辑:Chris Li

会员秘书:dfe007 (微信)



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